Last updated January 7, 2025
Do you ever feel like change is the only constant in the world of travel?
As a travel advisor, you're not just selling trips. You're crafting experiences, navigating a complex world (literally and figuratively), and adapting to the endless changes of the travel industry.
You're busy with travel planning, learning the booking platforms and selling points of every cruise line, tour operator and airline you work with, and creating the perfect trip or dream vacation for every client and traveler you work with.
You're also running a business and wearing the hats of CEO, CFO, the sales department, your marketing department, and you're managing your social media. And if you're a home based travel agent, like most of us are, you don't have the advantage of bouncing ideas off of your colleagues over a cup of coffee. Let's face it, it's a lot on one person!
But there's a secret weapon that sets the successful travel agency business owner apart.
You see, most successful business owners are constant learners. They don't just learn from their own success and missteps. They take in the wisdom of others.
Wouldn't it be great if you could join a mastermind and sit around a table with amazing business leaders, picking their brains and absorbing the lessons they've learned over the years?
For most of us, that isn't really an option. But there is still a way to benefit from their wisdom and unique experience. Whether you specialize in luxury travel, group travel, or a specific destination, you can apply much of what they've learned to your travel business.
That's the power of a well-written book. I've always loved to read. I find that reading business books does more than just increase what I know.
Reading gets my creative juices flowing. It generates new ideas for my business. Ways to implement what the author is talking about. Things I can change about how part of my business is working. Even completely unrelated ideas that I can jot down and decide to act on (or not!) later.
Not sure where to start? Here are five books to pick up and read in 2025.
But first, a quick note. As a travel professional, remember that not every tip in a business book will work perfectly for your travel business.
Instead of trying to do everything exactly as they say - or ignoring advice that doesn't seem like a fit - savvy travel advisors take what makes sense and tweak it to work in their business.
So when you read, ask yourself one question.
“How can this work for me?”
That's how ideas start to flow. It's how you get the most value out of these books, and any others that you read.
Profit First by Mike Michalowicz
Are you making money in your travel agency but still struggling to pay yourself a regular salary? Do you feel like you shouldn't be paying yourself, or you should invest everything back into your business?
If that sounds like you, “Profit First” needs to be on your list of books to read. While it sounds as appealing as dry toast (I mean, who really wants to read a book about financial management?) it's actually quite entertaining!
When you implement his strategy, you even can find yourself looking forward to re-working your financial processes. I mean, who doesn't want to start reaping the rewards of their business?
As a travel agency owner, you'll want to read this book. It truly can change your business.
Let me put it this way. I'm someone who excels at putting off any type of errand. After I finished this book I called my bank, made an appointment, and was in a local branch that afternoon, reworking my bank account structure.
This is Marketing by Seth Godin
Seth Godin's “This is Marketing” is one of the best marketing books for travel agents.

If you've ever felt that marketing can be a bit, well, “ick”, this one's for you.
Traditionally, marketing and advertising (related, but different areas) have focused on how getting more consumers can help solve a company's problems.
Seth Godin turns that idea on its head.
Instead of looking to customers to solve problems for a company, companies need to solve problems for their customers.
That's how a company makes the world a better place.
It's about learning to see your clients as people. Each with a unique blend of hopes, dreams, and aspirations. Ones that you can help them achieve.
After all, who doesn't want to work with a travel advisor whose entire goal is to make their client's travel plans and travel dreams come true?
How to Grow Your Small Business by Donald Miller
If you're looking for a step-by-step plan to grow your travel business, this book is for you.
From leadership and marketing to cash flow and productivity, you'll look at every aspect of your business. And how you can streamline to make it better.
This isn't one of those books that you just read, get a couple insights from, and put on a shelf.
It's one you come back to again and again.
If you really want your travel agency to grow and are willing to put in the time and work, Don Miller will help you get where you want to go.
All it Takes is a Goal by Jon Acuff
I've loved Jon Acuff's style for years. I've heard him speak so many times that when I read his books, I hear them in his voice!
But I’ll be honest, I've never been a big believer in goals. I'm one of those people who can set a goal, work on it for two days, and then never touch it again.
Not because I decided not to. I simply have so many ideas and things that I want to do. I completely forget I've set a goal at all.
I've even thought I set a new goal or had a new idea, just to go back through a Google doc I wrote 3 years ago during a coffee-fueled brainstorming session…and realized I had the exact same idea a few years back and never did anything with it.
If you struggle with goals - or even go as far as thinking goals aren't for you - you'll want to read this book.
It's fun, informative, and challenging, all at the same time. And it changed how I think about goals.
Everything is Figureoutable by Marie Forleo
Is there a problem you're struggling to solve? Or a dream you just don't know how to reach?
Let's face it, setbacks and struggles are normal. But they’re not the easiest to deal with.
I'm not a fan of the “just change your mindset and it'll happen” manifesting-type ideas. This book definitely isn't one of those. And it's not about thinking yourself out of a predicament. Or simply believing things will get better.
It’s changing the way you think about a problem. Not getting stuck in the seemingly unsolvable parts of life. Instead, get creative and look for solutions.
After all, you see more of what you're looking for.
If you're looking for solutions, you're more likely to find them.
The bottom line: books for travel agents
Are any of these books for travel agents specifically about the travel industry? Nope!
To run a successful business, you need a strong foundation. You've got the travel experience. These aren't books about booking a trip or choosing the right flight for your client.
These five books help you build the foundation you need for long term success.