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What is social selling and why does it matter for your travel agency?

Published October 22, 2024

When I was in high school, my school started taking trips to Europe over spring break. They were completely optional and open to anyone who wanted (and could pay) to go.

And oh boy, did I want to go!

An evining view of the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France

But it was expensive, and there was no way my parents were going to pay for it. So I decided to participate in the fundraiser the school offered, selling candy bars.

But there was one big problem. I was really shy and I wasn’t comfortable talking to random people. Especially not if I was trying to sell something!

My friends were going door-to-door and hitting up everyone they knew - even people they didn’t know - to sell as much candy as they could.

But me? I was sitting at home, trying to figure out how many candy bars my grandparents could buy. And adding it up to see if it was enough for me to go on this trip.

My friends were onto something that I didn’t know at the time.

When they were face to face with someone and asked the person to buy a candy bar, most of the time that person said YES! And when they asked a group and one person said yes, even MORE people in the group said yes.

When one person did it, more followed. No one wanted to be left out.

My friends all sold the candy they needed to and went on the trip. Me, not so much. I had to sit that trip out. But it was a great lesson in social selling!

Now you may be wondering what selling candy bars has to do with your travel agency marketing. And I’m so glad you asked!

Traditional marketing and selling alone doesn’t cut it in today’s digital marketing world. We live in a world of social selling. People want to see what’s behind the curtain. They want to know who they’re buying from and why.

That’s where effective social selling comes in.

What is social selling?

Social selling is about engaging with your audience in a meaningful way. It can be sharing a stunning photo of an amazing destination. Or responding to a comment with personalized travel advice.

Traditional social media marketing is usually full of broad, impersonal messages. Traditional marketing is trying to attract everyone. Seeing what “sticks” with different parts of their audience.

But here’s what traditional content marketing misses.

Customers want more than a transaction.

Customers want a conversation. They want a relationship. They want to know that if they’re spending money with you, there’s a value you provide that they couldn’t get on their own.

That’s where your travel expertise can truly shine.

Social selling isn’t pushing products. It’s not inundating your followers with the latest travel deals.

Social selling is about building relationships. It’s about earning trust and listening to what your potential clients want and need (also called social listening). It’s about meeting people where they are. And it’s about guiding your potential clients to book their next big adventure with you.

For travel advisors, social selling is more than just a trendy buzzword.

It’s a game changer for your sales process.

Meeting clients where they’re at means you should likely be on social media - because many of your clients are there. But it doesn’t mean being on every possible channel that’s out there.

Create a group if your ideal client is on Facebook. Or make great videos if your ideal client is on Instagram or Tiktok. Or focus on written content (i.e. blogs) if your ideal client is on LinkedIn.

It’s a lot of “if”s. It comes down to knowing your ideal client. Knowing what social media they’re most likely to use. And showing up where they are.

Using social selling effectively as part of your sales strategy does more than just boosting your travel agency marketing efforts.

It enhances your travel agency website’s visibility. And it can drive more organic traffic to your site.

More traffic = more sales.

The connection between social media and selling has never been stronger. It’s a key part of your travel agency marketing toolkit.

Why does social selling matter for travel advisors?

Social selling is a conversation. You're not just selling a vacation package. You’re building a relationship, offering advice, and becoming a trusted resource for your clients.

When you show up in your client’s social media feeds with valuable content, it’s a refreshing change from being targeted with ads and promotions.

Your social selling efforts let you stay top of mind by being part of your client’s social media experience. You’re not just a random business looking to make a sale that they just scroll past.

It helps you build trust - something that’s absolutely crucial in the travel industry. When someone is planning a dream vacation, they want to know they’re in good hands!

Social selling helps you create real connections with potential clients. It keeps your travel agency marketing efforts relevant. It gives your travel agency website the attention it deserves.

When you engage authentically on social media, you’re not just selling trips. You’re building authentic relationships that lead to repeat business from clients who turn to you every time they’re ready to explore the world.

Social selling tips for your travel agency marketing

Let’s break down social selling into a few simple steps.

1. Optimize your social profiles

Make sure your social media profiles are working for you, not against you. Each social media profile should clearly showcase your expertise and what makes your travel agency unique. Have a professional profile picture and a bio that highlights your specialties.

Be sure to link to your travel agency website so your potential clients have a way to start working with you. Think of your social profile as a digital storefront. It should be inviting, informative, and reflect your unique travel agency brand.

2. Engage authentically

Ok, your profiles have been polished. It’s time to get social. The key here is authenticity.

Don’t post content on a social channel just for the sake of it. You won’t get the engagement that you’re looking for. Share valuable insights, travel tips, destination highlights, and anything else that would genuinely interest your audience. Provide social proof that you really are an expert in your field.

And don’t forget to engage with your audience! Like, comment, and respond to your followers. When someone asks a question or leaves a comment, take the time to reply thoughtfully. It shows you aren’t just a faceless sales professional - you’re a real person who cares about their clients.

3. Build relationships

Social selling is all about relationships. You can’t jump right in with what you want to sell - that’s a great way to turn off your potential customers.

Start by connecting with potential clients and industry peers. Follow them, engage with their content, and start conversations. Over time, your interactions can lead to meaningful relationships that translate into opportunities.

People are more likely to book a trip with someone they trust and feel connected to.

4. Tips for social selling success

To make a social selling technique work, you need to be consistent. Regularly post valuable content on each social network you're part of. Engage with your audience. Stay active on the main social media channel(s) that your potential clients are on. Don’t try to be everything for everyone - that just means you’ll be nothing to no one.

Listen to what your followers are saying. Respond to their needs. Be genuine.

Authenticity is key. It’s what sets social sales apart from traditional marketing. By being yourself and providing real value, you’ll build the trust and relationships that are crucial for successful travel agency marketing.

The bottom line

Start integrating a social selling strategy into your travel agency marketing strategy. Don’t worry about being perfect right out of the gate. You’ll learn a lot along the way. The key is to start small, stay consistent, and always interact genuinely with your audience.

Remember, the goal isn’t just to sell. The goal is to build trust and create long-term relationships that keep clients coming back again and again.

Ready to get started? Dive in, experiment, and see what works best for you. With a little bit of effort and a lot of authenticity, you’ll see how social media and social selling tools can transform your travel agency marketing.


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